
Welcome to Modern Job Search!

By Kurt In Blog On March 15, 2014

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were forced to start looking for a job today?  Wait, let me re-phrase that.  Have you ever wondered what you will do when you have to find a new job?  Let’s face facts, the days of staying with the same company for your entire career are over.  Most people can and should expect to change jobs, companies, and even where they live several times throughout the course of their career.  That means that sooner or later, you’re going to have to conduct a job search.

For a lot of people, the idea of a job search means creating a resume, scouring the internet for job postings and then blindly sending the standard resume and cover letter combination out into space with the hope that it will eventually land on the right hiring manager’s desk.  Talk about “hit or miss” propositions.  The only way to try to influence a process like that is do it in very high volume.  However, like many things in life, quantity does not always equal quality.

As a corporate headhunter, I’ve spent my entire career working on ways to inject more control into the job search process so that I can place my candidates faster and will fewer failures.  I’ve distilled the high quantity approach down to identifying and pursuing only the opportunities with the highest quality.

How did I do this?  And, more importantly, why should it matter to you?

Even though companies are my clients and pay my fees, I spend a lot of time “marketing” candidates in order to develop new clients.  My candidate “marketing campaigns” are just like your job searches.  The main difference is that I’m doing it all the time and over the course of years.  Instead of having to look for a job once every few years, I’m looking for multiple jobs all the time.  Like anything that is practiced, my skills have improved.  Over the course of several years I have developed a system and I’ve become really good at getting people jobs.   The problem is, I’m only one guy so I can’t work with nearly as many people or companies as I’d like to.  On top of that, I’m a specialist.  I only recruit and market candidates for a certain few types of jobs.

However, at the request of friends and colleagues, I’ve taken time to put my candidate marketing strategy into a cohesive overall job search process and make it  available as a book on Amazon.  Modern Job Search is a modern take on how to manage the entire job search process from the very beginning (defining value) all the way to the very end (negotiating offers and resigning).  Every tip, insight and tactic that I use as a professional headhunter is described in a way to make it accessible and relevant to individual job seekers for a broad variety of job types.

The book has been designed to help job seekers become more efficient, get better and faster results and take much more control over the entire process.  If you’re not looking for a job now, the fact is, you probably will be soon.  Even if you’re sure you’re secure, knowing what to do just in case can make you feel a lot more confident.

Right now, Modern Job Search is available for the limited time price of $2.99 on Amazon Kindle.  More control, more peace of mind and a strategy that really works for less than a cup of coffee.

Does it work?  I wouldn’t be here if it didn’t.


(Photo:  Tarifa, Spain – 2012


Are you Ready?

Employers: We are also consultants. Part of our job is providing real world examples of the types of candidates who can meet your needs. How well do you know your market?
Contact us today to learn more.

Job Seekers: If you are not sure about your value proposition or your resume, you need Mojo Search. Written by a headhunter for job search warriors. Check it out today.